
Number of engineers registered in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Number of engineers registered in the private sector by engineering firm

Number of engineers registered in the system by category

Number of transactions of the new licensing system

Service Type Total number of transactions
Request to Amend an Engineer Licence 6358
Request to issue an Engineer Temporary Registration Card 194
Request the Issuance of an Engineer Licence 8412
Request to Renew an Engineer Licence 11261
Request to Transfer the Temporary Registration Card to a Permanent Registration Card 116
Total 26341

Number of classified Engineering consulting offices in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Number of classification transactions for engineering consultancy offices

Service Type Total number of transactions
Service for Consultant Classification Data Amendment Request 596
Service for Consultant Classification Renewal 361
Service for Consultant Classification Request First Time 123
Total 1080

Number of classified Engineering contracting companies in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Number of classification transactions for Engineering contracting companies

Service Type Total number of transactions
Service for Contractor Classification Data Amendment Request 1460
Service for Contractor Classification Renewal 1713
Service for Contractor Classification Request First Time 958
Total 4131