Classification Announcements

Subject: Awareness workshops related to the Classification and Engineers Licensing services

Announcement Date: 01 Jun 2024

Dear respected contracting companies and engineering consultancy offices... Please download the attached file and view the schedule of awareness workshops related to the classification and Engineers Licensing services for the year 2024 read more...
The attached file contains the schedule of awareness workshops related to the services of the Classification and Occupation Registration Department for the year 2024 read less...

Subject: New Financial Sheet template

Announcement Date: 20 Feb 2023

New Financial Sheet template

We would like to inform you that a new version of the financial data report template (Excel file) has been added for submission in the service of create or update the classification criteria record for the engineering firms(Manage an Engineering Firm's Record), as the new and previous form will be approved for a period of 90 days, after which only the new form will be approved. Therefore please download the new template (V6.0) instead of the previous one (V5.0) and adopting it for submission when creating or updating the classification criteria record for your firms in case of necessity. read less...

Subject: MeCS User Manuals

Announcement Date: 19 Jan 2023

Dear respected contracting companies and engineering consultancy offices... Please download the attached files and view the user manuals for the classification services on “TAMM” Platform read more...

The attached files include the user manuals of the following classification services

  • Open an Engineering Firm Account
  • Main Dashboard
  • Firm Users Management
  • Manage an Engineering Firm's Record - Classification Criteria Record
  • Create or Update the Record of an Engineering Firm
  • Add and Update Previous Experiences from Engineering Firm Projects
  • Project Schedule Variance
  • Additional Project Scope Activities
  • Add Project Completed Works Value
  • Manage an Engineering Firm's Activity Practicing Licence
  • To Whom It May Concern Certificate Request - Engineering Firm Classification
  • Request to Add a Branch to a local Engineering Firm Registry
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Subject: MeCS FAQ

Announcement Date: 19 Jan 2023

Dear respected contracting companies and engineering consultancy offices... Please download the attached file and view the FAQs for the classification services on “TAMM” Platform read more...

The attached file include the FAQs related to the classification services read less...